
The Children’s House hours

  • Mornings only: 8.30am–12.30pm or 9am–12.30pm
  • Morning and lunch: 8.30am–2pm or 9am–2pm
  • Full day: 8.30am–3pm or 9am–3pm (After-school clubs: 3pm–4pm)

Grantham Farm hours

  • Full day: 8.30am–3pm or 9am–3pm

After-school clubs

After-school clubs are every day between 3pm–4pm.

We offer sport, yoga, art, craft construction and board games club. Please check the after-school timetable at the school reception for more information.

Earlier drop-off times are available by prior arrangement – please email us or call us on 07388 801 575.


The minimum attendance depends on your child’s age.

  • 2-year-old children: two mornings per week
  • 3-year-olds: four mornings per week or the equivalent (16 hours)
  • 4-year-olds: four mornings and two afternoons or the equivalent (21 hours)
  • Grantham Farm: full-time (Year R children can attend for four full days if they still receive early years funding)